Rocky Mountain Metis Association
Rocky Mountain Métis Association envisions a future where Métis people, communities, and children are thriving, connected to their rich Métis culture, heritage, and languages, and recognized as an Indigenous People with inherent Métis rights.
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MÉtis Community in Cranbrook
Rocky Mountain Métis Association is a Chartered Community working with the Métis Nation of British Colombia, the only recognized Métis government in BC. Our Association was created to serve the needs of all our citizens in our designated boundaries. From Kimberley to Jaffray to Creston and Riondel we strive to service our communities needs. This is a non-political site with a heart for growing pride in the Métis culture.
The Métis Nation emerged from within the Métis Nation Homeland during the seventeenth century as a result of the French and English fur trade. At that time, Canada did not exist as a country and the provincial governments we know today in western Canada would not exist for another 200 years.

Interested in applying for Métis Citizenship or other programs?
Contact Us
If you need help with any of the above programs, or to be added to our mailing list, please contact our office by one of the methods here.